chickadee » html-form » html-form


This is the only exported routine in this egg. Given a form specification, returns an SXML document containing an HTML form. SPEC is an s-expression with the following grammar:

 SPEC = (form-group NAME [(label LABEL)] (children ...) ) 
        | WIDGET
 WIDGET =     (checkbox NAME DFLT [(label LABEL)] [(rel REL)] ) 
              (textarea NAME DFLT (rows N) (cols N) [(label LABEL)] [(rel REL)] ) 
              (select   NAME DFLT [(label LABEL)] [(rel REL)] ) 
              (button   NAME DFLT [(label LABEL)] [(rel REL)] [(onclick STRING)] )
              (radio    NAME DFLT [(label LABEL)] [(rel REL)] ( (RNAME ROPTS) ... ) )
              (text     NAME DFLT [(label LABEL)] [(rel REL)] )

NAME, LABEL and REL are symbols or strings. DFLT is the default value of an input, or a list of values in the case of textarea and select.