chickadee » cooperative » fsm

(fsm input: (input ...) vars: vars start: initial-state state ...)syntax

Creates a finite state machine. The resulting machine is a procedure which behaves differently with subsequent calls depending on what state it is in.

The machine parameters consist of literals followed by a relevant expression. these parameters must be outlined in the order they are shown above.

input: (input ...) A list of input values. These are received as arguments to the finite state machine when it is called, and can be referenced as variables within the state machine.

vars: vars A list of variable assignments equivalent to those found in a let expression. These variables are internal to the state machine and persist between calls to it, unless specifically changed.

start: initial-state The name of the initial state. This is the state in which the finite state machine will be in when it is first called. The name of the initial state is not evaluated, and does not need to be quoted.

The remaining parameters are state definitions, which also consist of literals followed by relevant expressions. Like the above parameters, they must be written in the order shown:

(state: state-name act: act output: (output ...) trans: ((condition next-state) ...))

state: state-name The state name. This is the name of the state being defined and is used to refer to this state during transitions. This name is not evaluated, and does not need to be quoted.

act: act The state's action expression. This consists of a single scheme expression. Forms such as let or begin should be used to perform multiple actions here.

output: (output ...) Followed by a list of output values. A list containing all values specified here will be returned to the calling procedure. The list should not be quoted, quasiquoted or created with the list procedure, simply specified with parentheses, although individual elements will be evaluated.

trans: ((condition next-state) ...) The state transitions list. This is an association list containing boolean expressions paired with states to transition to. The next time the finite state machine is called, it will be in the state paired with the first predicate to return true. The state names are not evaluated and do not need to be quoted.

  1. Example
(define docking-control
    input: (use-case)
    vars: ((ports 3) (ships 0) (status #f))
    start: empty

    (state: empty
      act: (case use-case
             ((arrival) (begin (set! ships (add1 ships))
                               (set! status 'approved)))
             ((departure) (set! status 'denied))
             (else (error "invalid use case")))
      output: (status)
      trans: (((< 0 ships) else)))

    (state: full
      act: (case use-case
             ((arrival) (set! status 'denied))
             ((departure) (begin (set! ships (sub1 ships))
                                 (set! status 'approved)))
             (else (error "invalid use case")))
      output: (status)
      trans: (((< ships ports) else)))

    (state: else
      act: (begin (set! status 'approved)
                  (case use-case
                    ((arrival) (set! ships (add1 ships)))
                    ((departure) (set! ships (sub1 ships)))
                    (else (error "invalid use case"))))
      output: (status)
      trans: (((= ports ships) full)
              ((= ships 0) empty))) ))

(docking-control 'departure)

(docking-control 'arrival)

(docking-control 'arrival)

(docking-control 'arrival)

(docking-control 'arrival)

(docking-control 'departure)